We exist for the purpose of making a difference in the world. Through being in community, together we are able to make a greater impact on the world for better than we might otherwise do individually. Because of its ministries, St. Martin’s as a community punches above its weight in making a difference in the world.  We invite you to participate in the experience of making the world a better place, both through supporting St. Martin’s mission of outreach and in its mission as a spiritual wellspring satiating our modern thirst to experience the presence of God in our lives.

We aim to make the mechanics of supporting our work as pain-free as possible.

You can support St. Martin’s and its ministries by clicking the PayPal button below, making a credit-card donation, or using the bill pay function at your personal bank.

For additional information, please contact:  Melinda Del Cioppio

Please help us help our neighbors!